Beautiful Wedding Stock Images: Neutral Fall Wedding Color Palette
Instantly elevate your branding with our elegant, modern wedding stock photo collection featuring gorgeous styling and beautiful natural light photography
These editorial quality images look like they belong in the pages of a top wedding magazine, but theyβre available for Haute Stock Members to use in their branding & marketing materials.
Imagine using these wedding stock images as backgrounds for your project proposals, pricing guides, your client on-boarding, in your email newsletters, on your website, and social media. Simply stunning!
We kept the colorway for this wedding styled stock photo collection neutral so that no matter your own branding colors, you will be able to easily make these photos work for you. Trust us, they'll look beautiful incorporated with virtually any brand color palette!
As effortless as these images look, the reality is that these types of photoshoots take a lot of planning, styling, creative direction, and team work.
From the initial concept, to finding the right couple, to renting the dress, to getting florals and all the other pretty props, and finally all the styling, hair & makeup, and photography the day of.
Whew! But it's so totally worth it to be able to give Haute Stock members such high-quality imagery at the fraction of the cost (and not to mention stress!?!) of planning your own styled shoot!
If you're curious about how this shoot came together, we just posted a sneak peek video of the behind-the-scenes!
We worked with many amazing creatives for this shoot, from styling (@socialandcodesign), to photography (@deseraeevensonphoto), stationery, rentals, hair & makeup, and production ( We love that we're able to collaborate with other small business owners through the content that we create for Haute Stock!
If you love these images, you should also check out our Wedding Planner stock photos.
Click through gallery below:
Styled Stock Photography for Wedding & Event Planners
Sign up for a subscription to the exclusive Haute Stock library and get access to thousands of styled stock images, social media graphics, customizable Canva templates and designer branding elements!