Eight Ways To Use Celebration Styled Stock For Your Business

“A party without cake is just a meeting”.

Julia Child


While celebration styled stock photos are great for holidays, like New Years Eve, and may seem like the obvious choice of imagery for wedding and event planners, don’t be afraid to bring the party to your online presence — no matter what industry you’re in!

Use Haute Stock's celebrations styled stock collections to celebrate the greatness that your business has to offer! Click to view more design inspiration!

Below we’ve compiled eight ways you can use celebration images for your business. Get ready to add extra sparkle and pizzaz to your visuals!



Example of a sales graphic using a stock photo from the Haute Stock Celebration Collection. It's easy to create gorgeous, eye-catching graphics for your blog - click to read the post for more ideas on the types of graphics you should be creating for…
Example of a sales graphic using a stock photo from the Haute Stock Celebration Collection. It's easy to create gorgeous, eye-catching graphics for your blog - click to read the post for more ideas on the types of graphics you should be creating for…

Get your community feeling excited about your upcoming sales with fun visuals like sparkly confetti, balloons, sequins, and glitter. If you only use graphics of pretty workspaces, a celebration image is a great way to break up your feed and make sure that your followers pay attention to your special sales announcements!


2/ Announcing new INventory or products in store

haute stock example sale graphic.png
haute stock example sale graphic-2.png

Woohoo, you’ve added new items to your store! Celebrate the latest additions with a styled stock photo that will get your followers clicking to check out the new products. Confetti is another great choice, or a party scene with balloons and cake will help set the mood.

You can use celebration styled stock to announce your new wares by using these images as blog post covers, website headers, shop headers, or as eye-catching social media graphics (like in the examples above).


3/ Launching a new course, product, or service

Example of course launch graphic from Haute Stock. Easily create course launch graphics to get more sales using Haute Stock imagery. Click through for a full blog post of ideas on the graphics you should create for your business.

Pop the bubbly, ‘cause launching a new course, product, or service is a lot of work and you’ve finally put your business baby out in the world! Let everyone know about it by toasting to what’s new with let’s-drink-champagne stock photos or toss-the-confetti images.

Decorate your website headers and popups, blog post covers, and social media graphics with these types of image to solidify the idea that there’s something to celebrate!


4/ Launching your new websitE

Example of a launch graphic using celebration styled stock photos. This image is from Haute Stock's Pop the Pink Collection. Get everyone excited about the launch of your newest project with confetti.png

You’ve finally hit publish on that new site you’ve been building for months — it’s definitely time to celebrate! Announce this important achievement on social media or write a blog post about the experience of building your site for your community to read. Get readers clicking by sharing a fun confetti shot (we can never get enough confetti!) or a party scene with cake, sparkles, champagne, and blowouts!


5/ YouTube Video or Channel covers

Create eye-catching YouTube video covers using images from Haute Stock and Canva to edit. Click for more graphics ideas for your business!
Example of YouTube video cover graphic from Haute Stock. Click through for a blog post full of ideas on graphics to create for your business!

Dress up your YouTube channel or videos with celebration stock photos that feel festive, inviting, and get your audience engaged with your video content.

Choose images that have props on the side and negative space in the middle to frame and draw attention to your text, which will highlight your video title!


6/ Checklist / Workbooks covers

Example of checklist/workbook cover graphic from Haute Stock.
Example of graphic for free checklist download. Entice website visitors to download your free workbooks or checklists by creating graphics that you can post on your website or blog! Images from the Haute Stock member library. Click to find out more!

Let’s be honest — who hasn’t bought a book or notebook just because the cover is super pretty?!

You can use celebration stock photos to add visual emphasis to your checklist and workbook covers, and entice people with the gorgeous design. Plus, there are many topics that relate to celebration imagery that would fit both the title and theme. For example, if you’re writing a checklist about ways to get back on track after the holidays, you might use an image of cupcakes, donuts, or cake. Or, if you’re creating a workbook on how to host a successful party, you might use an image of a dessert table setup or color-coordinated helium balloons.


7/ Landing pages / Opt-ins

Use your landing pages as a way to grab attention. See examples of the types of graphics you should be creating with this blog post from Haute Stock.

Get the party started from the get-go with celebration themed landing pages and opt-ins. It will get your community feeling excited from the very beginning and add that extra oomph to your visuals.


8/ Blog Post Covers

Example of a blog post graphic using the Haute Stock Celebration Collection. It's easy to create gorgeous, eye-catching graphics for your blog - click to read the post for more ideas!
Example of a blog post graphic using the Haute Stock Celebration Collection. It's easy to create gorgeous, eye-catching graphics for your blog - click to read the post for more ideas!

Celebration stock photos are usually versatile enough that they can be used for any business, in any industry. Utilize the imagery available for blog post covers, so that you can create interesting and eye-catching graphics that will lead to more clicks on your post! Combining the topic and image theme always make for a more effective graphic, but it’s not always necessary or needed to do so.


9/ Bonus tip: Birthdays or anniversaries

Use celebration styled stock images to announce your birthday or business anniversary! It's a fun way to share important milestones with your followers! Example from the Celebrate Collection by Haute Stock. Click the post for more ideas on how to us…

This may seem obvious, but a perfect way to celebrate your birthday or anniversary — either yours or your business — is by using party stock photos. These important milestones are meant to be shared with sparklers, confetti, and so-pretty-I-don’t-want-to-eat-it treats!

Want a sneak peak at the celebration images we have in stock? check them out below!


Well, there you have it — all the different ways you can use celebration styled stock for your brand! We hope these examples inspire and give you new ideas on how to spread the feeling of excitement with your visuals! We’re sure there are many other ways this type of imagery can be used for your business — we’d love to hear other examples in the comments below!

Get the virtual party started today with gorgeous graphics!

sign up for hautemail and get 21 free stock photos!