Travel & Friendship Stock Photos for Bloggers & Brands
Finding good travel stock photos can be hard, especially if you love softer color palettes and want imagery not of exotic places, but of packing, prepping for a trip, suit cases, and spending time chilling in an AirBnB, but that’s excactly what we’ve captured in our Jet Setter collection.
Sure, there are stock images of rolling a suitcase down the hallway at the airport, but most of the images involve packing cute outfits and prepping for travelling by writing an vacation email with a signature “On Vacay” sign-off!
These images are perfect for travel bloggers and lifestyle brands who want to share tips on how to book a trip, pack for a vacation, take a girlfriends’ weekend away, and so much more!
The story behind the collection…
Flashback to late February 2020: we were shooting a new travel collection, blissfully unaware that the world was about to come to a complete stop in just a couple short weeks.
That was the scene when we produced our Jet Setter collection with Haute Stock contributor, Michelle of MJay Photography — a set of images featuring friends packing, travelling, and making their Airbnb stay feel cozy and inviting.
A few weeks later as it became more clear that WFH was going to be replacing jet setting for the foreseeable future, we shelved the collection and focused on content that felt relevant for the times.
It's safe to say we're all starting to think about the possibility of travelling again, even if it may not happen right away.
So, it finally seemed like the right time to release Jet Setter.
There are many images in this collection that have more uses than just travel, be sure you check out all the photos!
Click through gallery below:
Workspace & Travel Stock Photography for Bloggers
Sign up for a subscription to the exclusive Haute Stock library and get access to thousands of styled stock images, social media graphics, customizable Canva templates and designer branding elements!